Raising funds

As a nonprofit preschool, Glenridge relies heavily on fundraising to keep tuition affordable and to help cover the costs of running our school. We take a community approach to fundraising, with all families required to pitch in and help meet our goals each year. Detailed fundraising requirements are distributed to families at the beginning of each school year.
Glenridge families fundraise throughout the year in a variety of ways—from soliciting donations from local businesses for our auction fundraiser each fall to getting the word out to families, friends, and alumni about our Annual Fund campaign each spring.
Please consider supporting Glenridge through a one-time donation or through regular monthly contributions (preferred). You can mail a check to the address below, or use PayPal (above) to donate instantly! Glenridge Cooperative Nursery School is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, ID #94-1731144, and gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donate Instantly
For family members, friends, alumni, and community members near and far that would like to support Glenridge, we gladly accept donations online, securely, through PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account – just a credit or debit card – to donate today. Donors receive an email receipt with their donation with the Glenridge Tax ID #. To make a donation online, click on the "Donate" button above, and you’ll be directed to Glenridge’s online donation page. You will receive an email receipt of your donation for tax purposes.
Monthly Donation
Click on the "Donate" button below and you'll be directed to Glenridge's online donation page. Enter your desired Monthly Amount and check the "Make this a Monthly Donation" checkbox.
Mail a Check
Please make checks payable to Glenridge Cooperative Nursery School and mail to: Genridge Cooperative Nursery School, PO Box 31202, San Francisco, CA 94131. If applicable, please also note the name of the Glenridge student(s) with whom you are associated.
Double your Donation with Corporate Matching
Many employers will match your donation. Check with your company’s human resources department to see if they have a matching gifts program. If they do, please let us know at the time of your donation. If your employer offers a matching program, please email us at development@glenridgecoop.org so we can add them to our list.
The Glenridge Auction
The annual Glenridge auction is our primary fundraiser — and widely considered one of the best school auctions in the city. After three years of holding the auction virtually — for the safety of our community during the pandemic — in 2023 we were thrilled to bring our in-person auction back in a new format at a historic venue. That year we held our first Fairy Tree Ball under the glittering chandeliers of the Green Room at the San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Center.
Our auction is a Glenridge tradition dating back 30-plus years. It brings current members, alumni, and friends together as a community in support of our beloved school. And each year, we are blown away by the incredible generosity that businesses, local artists, and others show to Glenridge as our families go about the hard work of soliciting items to be auctioned at the event. Our first auction, back in 1986, brought in $9,000. Today we raise closer to $100,000 each year. The auction’s success is vital to our school’s continued ability to provide a high-quality, low-cost preschool education to the children of the Bay Area.
What do we do with the funds raised?
Through the years, fundraising efforts have been creative and varied, and fundraising continues today to provide funds to supplement the low-cost tuition at Glenridge.
Operational Expenses
We use the funds raised in the following ways:
Compensation and Benefits
Our greatest expenses each year are health insurance, compensation, and other personnel benefits for our wonderful staff.
Operating Expenses
This includes such expenses as rent, insurance, utilities, maintenance, staff development, children's supplies and administrative expenses associated with the school.
Scholarship Provision
Scholarships are available to subsidize tuition costs for eligible families, which are funded through the school's annual budget
Recent Investments
Each year, we use the funds raised through the auction Fund A Need and Annual Fund to significantly invest in the school and its infrastructure. In the previous few years, we've invested in the following initiatives.
The Glenridge scholarship fund
Refurbishment of the internal stairways and lower floors
Upstairs floor replacement
Roof replacement
Creation of a staff retirement and bonus fund